Global Ob Care
Birth Center Rental
Sneak Peak
Placenta Encapsulation
What We
Prenatal Care
Womancare Midwifery offers individualized prenatal care and true informed choice. Our prenatal visits are scheduled to last about an hour in the comforts of your own home. We can perform any needed obstetric labs, pregnancy tests and offer Sneak Peak early gender DNA testing after 8 weeks. We usually see you for an initial visit between 10-12 weeks and every month there after until 32 weeks. Then we see you at 34 & 36 weeks and every week after that until delivery.
Early ultrasounds before 12 weeks or mid-pregnancy anatomy scans can be ordered here at Boundary Community Hospital, Bonner General or at Coeur d’ Alene Ultrasound by your midwife.
Placenta Encapsulation
Placenta encapsulation is also a service we provide for a small fee. We prefer to dehydrate your placenta raw to preserve all the vital nutrients needed for your postpartum recovery. We incorporate warming herbs like ginger and cayenne for added benefit during the blending process and encapsulate with 00 gelatin capsules. The average placenta will yield between 150-200 capsules. This is a must if you suffer any kind of baby blues or postpartum depression.
24/7 Support
We provide 24/7 on-call support for your birth beginning at 37 weeks through 42 complete weeks. Early labor support and continuous active labor support to the birth of your baby is our heart. We strive to have 2 licensed midwives and a student or doula to provide the best hands on care and comfort measures. After birth we stay as long as you
need us and/or both mom & baby are stable. We perform a complete head to toe newborn exam and ensure any breastfeeding needs are met before clean up and departing.
Postpartum Support
Postpartum visits are scheduled for 24-48 hours after birth, at 2 weeks, 4 weeks and 6 weeks. Again, in your home! We love coming to see you and your baby. We provide crucial newborn screening, weight checks and trouble shoot any breastfeeding problems. We have a great lactation consultant to refer to as well. We have 2 weeks to complete birth certificates for Idaho Vital Statistics. We provide any well woman care through your 6 weeks postpartum like depression screens and PAPS.
Natural Childbirth Education
Womancare midwifery provides Natural Childbirth Education Classes for free to our first-time clients as well as for first time moms in the community. A one-day course is scheduled as needed throughout the year usually in the 3rd trimester a month or two before your due date.